Original Starfleet Charter of the United Empire of Space.


By order of the Council of the United Empire of Space and in accordance with the Constitution of the United Empire of Space,

In recognition of the need for an interplanetary exploration, peace-keeping, and defense force,

With the support of the member worlds and citizens of the Fleet,

Article I: Establishment/Purpose

Section 1:  There is hereby established a Starfleet interplanetary military force, to be under the direct cognizance of the Fleet Council and President. If there is no current Fleet Council, Starfleet will assume that role until one is created.

Section 2:  The combined purpose and directive of Starfleet is as follows:

Article II: Structure

Section 1: There is established a Starfleet Command, composed of the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer of each sub fleet and department within Starfleet. Only the Commanding Officer of each fleet or division, actually sits and votes in chambers. The Executive Officers are however, privy to all information, so that he/she/it can easily take over when the Commanding Officer is unavailable and has asked said Executive Officer to take over or if the Commanding Officer is missing for more than 1 month and Starfleet Command decides that for the good of the fleet/department, the Executive Officer must take over until the Commanding Officer returns or is replaced by Starfleet Command.

Section 2: The sub fleets and departments of Starfleet are as follows:

Section 3: Starfleet Command controls all aspects of the Military of the United Empire of Space and is authorized to regulate the inner workings of Starfleet as a whole, through the setting in place and maintenance of general orders and regulations.

Section 4: The Commanding Officer of each sub fleet and department, shall have one (1) vote on matters concerning the Starfleet Command and Starfleet as a whole.

Section 5: The Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet shall have an advisory seat on the UES Council, and serve as the representative of Starfleet.

Section 6:  Each sub fleet and department of Starfleet, shall compose a brief Charter stating its general purpose and internal organization, to be reviewed and approved by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet.

Section 7:  The sub fleets comprise the bulk of the Starfleet. These fleets are created as a means of organizing the large number of ships and crews into manageable units.  Sub fleets do not have the authority to negotiate treaties, cease-fire agreements or make pacts with any foreign group, government, military unit, etc. unless that are acting under direct orders from the head of External Affairs..

Section 8:  No member of Starfleet Command may hold a rank lower than Commodore.

Section 9:  Amendments to this Charter can be added after ratification by majority vote of the members of Starfleet Command.

Section 10:  All members of Starfleet Command are prohibited from commanding more than one single sub fleet or department in Starfleet.

Section 11: All members of Starfleet Command are prohibited from holding positions within any sub fleet or department other then the one they command.

Article III: Selection of Starfleet Command and other senior positions

Section 1: The Commander in Chief of Starfleet:
1. There will be a Commander in Chief of Starfleet appointed by Starfleet Command and confirmed by a majority vote. This position will be held until such time in which the Commander in Chief of Starfleet resigns the post or is removed by Starfleet Command for justifiable reasons. This can be accomplished by a majority no confidence vote by SFC and/or charges being issued against the C in C by Starfleet Command or Internal Affairs. At that time the XO takes over and the head of Starfleet Operations then doubles as the Starfleet XO until the matter is settled.

2. The Commander in Chief of Starfleet, will hold overriding command of all sub fleets and departments
of Starfleet. The Commander in Chief of Starfleet will preside over Starfleet Command. The Commander in Chief
of Starfleet will make the final declaration of Starfleet Policy decisions, general orders and regulations, as voted on and approved by voting members of Starfleet Command, with the power to break any voting ties unless the vote of the C-N-C helps to bring about a tie after all Starfleet Command members have voted. If at that time there is an abstention, that Starfleet Command member will be given the chance to change that vote. If there still is a tie at that point, then the Starfleet Executive Officer will cast the deciding vote. This is  the only instance in which an Executive Officer may vote along with a Commanding Officer on Starfleet Command.

The Commander in Chief of Starfleet shall have the right to choose his own staff. The Commander in Chief
of Starfleet shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non criminal breach of protocol. In addition , The Commander in Chief of Starfleet will have the authority to promote subordinate officers, conduct boards of inquiry and investigations in all matters concerning Starfleet Command and Starfleet as a whole, as well as have the authority to pardon military criminals, and make ceremonial awards. Finally, the Commander in Chief of Starfleet will have the authority to override and/or change the duties and responsibilities of those subordinate to him within reason. However this can be overridden by a majority vote of Starfleet Command. The Commander and Chief of Starfleet will also appoint an Executive Officer . This appointment need not be ratified by a majority vote of Starfleet Commad.

3. There will be a Executive Officer of Starfleet is appointed by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet. This position will be held until either the Executive Officer of Starfleet abdicates the position, or, is replaced by the Commander in Chief with someone else, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.

2. The Executive Officer of Starfleet will be responsible to serve as advisor to the Commander in Chief, and for
serving as Commander in Chief should the  Commander and Chief of Starfleet becomes unavailable due to
absence . The Executive Officer of Starfleet , also called the Deputy Director of Starfleet is also the
official Liaison and spokesperson to the news media representing Starfleet . The person holding this
position shall have the right to choose his own staff. The Executive Officer of Starfleet shall have the
authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non criminal breach of protocol.

Section 2: Head of Starfleet Academy
1. There will be a Commandant of Starfleet Academy appointed by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet. This position will be held until either the Commandant of Starfleet Academy abdicates the position, is replaced by the Commander in Chief with someone else, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.

2. The Commandant of Starfleet Academy will be responsible for the function and supervision of Starfleet Academy, the organization and deployment of any additional vessels and equipment needed for training,  initial placement of such newly trained personnel, and as a resource for Starfleet Command in questions of protocol. He shall have the right to choose his own staff to serve on his star ship and they will also serve as his office staff. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non criminal breach of protocol. The Executive Officer is also allowed 1 star ship with crew to serve as staff for the XO.

Section 3: Head of Starfleet Intelligence:
1. There will be a Head of Starfleet Intelligence appointed by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet. This position will be held until either the Head of Intelligence abdicates the position, is replaced by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet with someone else, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.

2. The Head of Starfleet Intelligence will be responsible for the undertaking of all Starfleet Covert and Intelligence gathering Operations, organization  and deployment of Federation Intelligence Operatives, up to and including the Assault and Rescue and Reconnaissance Units.  He shall have the right to choose his own staff. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non criminal breach of protocol.

Section 4: Head of Starfleet Internal Affairs:
1. There will be a Head of Starfleet Internal Affairs appointed by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet. This position will be held until either the Head of Internal Affairs abdicates the position, is replaced by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet with someone else upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.

2. The Head of Internal Affairs will supervise the Judge Advocate General's office, which will be responsible for court martials, boards of inquiry, and hearings, and the office of Starfleet Criminal Investigation. The Head of Internal Affairs will also have the authority to issue ceremonial awards, issue promotions above the rank of Captain, but must work with and inform the head of any department or fleet before doing so, and make policies concerning officer conduct. He shall have the right to choose his own staff. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer for any criminal or non criminal breach of protocol, but must show just cause before doing so and make sure that said officer is given every opportunity to defend himself in a court of law if he so wishes. When asking the removal of a member of Starfleet Command, the head of Internal Affairs must first ask the C-N-C to remove that person and give just cause for doing so. If the C-N-C for some reason does not wish to follow through with the removal of the Starfleet Command member in question, then the head of IA may ask for a vote on the matter and the majority result of said vote will decide the matter.

Section 5: Chief of Military Operations:
1. There will be a Head of Starfleet Military Operations appointed by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet. This position will be held until either the Head of Military Operations abdicates the position, is replaced by the Commander in Chief with someone else, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.

2. The Chief of Starfleet Military Operations will be responsible for coordinating inter fleet military activities, planning offensive and defensive strategies, and the deployment of Starfleet Military resources. He shall authorize the use of Military force, if deemed necessary by himself, the commander in chief, or Starfleet Command. However, if the head of Military Operations makes the decision to use military force over the objections of Starfleet Command and/or the C-N-C, he will accept the responsibility and the possible repercussions. The Chief of Military Operations will serve as the executive commander of the fleets, serving as an intermediary and subordinate to the Commander in Chief. He shall have the right to choose his own staff. He/she/it shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non criminal breach of protocol.

Section 5-A: Commanding Officer of a sub fleet
1. There will be a commanding officer for each sub fleet appointed by the Chief of Starfleet Military Operations. This position will be held until either the commanding officer abdicates the position, is replaced by the Commander in Chief or Chief of Starfleet Military Operations with someone else, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.

2. The commanding officer will be responsible for coordinating inter division activities (if any), planning offensive and defensive strategies, and the deployment of that sub fleets Military resources. He shall authorize the use of Military force, if deemed necessary by the Chief of Starfleet Military Operations, the Commander in Chief, or Starfleet Command. The commanding officer will serve as the executive commander of the sub fleet, serving as the Chief of Military Operations for his patrol district. He shall have the right to choose his own staff. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non criminal breach of protocol. He shall serve as a civilian governor to all worlds within his patrol district if there is none already in place.

Section 6: Head of Starfleet Science & Medical:
1. There will be a head of Starfleet Medical appointed by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet. This position will be held until either the Head of Starfleet Medical abdicates the position, is replaced by the Commander in Chief with someone else, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.

2. The Head of Starfleet Medical will be responsible for the health and welfare of Starfleet, including research and technology in the following areas: Medical, Science and Counseling; education and placement of personnel to meet Starfleet's needs in those areas, provision and transport of medical supply and emergency services for Federation worlds. He shall be an active medical practitioner. He shall enforce a code of ethics for practitioners of health services, and instigate investigation into those who break it, but must work with Starfleet Judge Advocate General's office in such a case. He has the power to approve or deny medical or scientific research proposals with just cause. He shall have the right to choose his own staff. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non criminal breach of protocol.

Section 7: Head of Starfleet Operations
1. There will be a Head of Starfleet Operations appointed by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet. This position will be held until either the Head of Starfleet Operations abdicates the position, is replaced by the Commander in Chief with someone else, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.

2. The Head of Starfleet Operations will be responsible for implementation and regulation of all Starfleet technology and starship design, all matters pertaining to maintenance of Starfleet vessels, construction and distribution of Starfleet vessels, regulation and distribution of new technologies. He shall have the power to pass new regulations and bans on Starfleet technological resources, after launching a full investigation into the area of question. He shall be responsible for the distribution of Starfleet material resources. He/she/it shall also be charged with keeping records of Starfleet Command sessions (where applicable), and maintaining a source for inter fleet communication. He shall have the right to choose his own staff. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for a non criminal breach of protocol.

Section 8: Head of Starfleet External Affairs
1. There will be a Head of Starfleet External Affairs appointed by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet. This position will be held until either the Head of Starfleet Operations abdicates the position, is replaced by the Commander in Chief with someone else, upon the presentation of just cause, or is removed by Starfleet Command by the same standard.

2. The Head of Starfleet External Affairs will be responsible for implementation and regulation of all Starfleet treaties, will be responsible for the implantation, and regulation of First Contact scenarios. He is responsible for the dealings of all non-military action outside of the Federation, including but not limited too, Foreign Policy, Scientific First Contact and Exploration of New Space. The Head of External Affairs is responsible for presenting to Star Fleet Command all new treaties for a confirmation vote before the C-N-C, Head of External Affairs and the foreign representative signs said treaty. He shall have the authority to discipline any officer under his direct command for non-criminal breach of protocol..


Article IV: General Procedure

Section 1:  The rank system of Starfleet shall be as follows (in increasing order):
- Crewman Second Class/Cadet (cadet status is only for the duration of study at Starfleet Academy)
- Crewman First Class
- Petty Officer, Second Class
- Petty Officer, First Class
- Chief Petty Officer
- Master Chief Petty Officer
- Ensign
- Lieutenant, junior grade
- Lieutenant
- Lieutenant Commander
- Commander
- Captain
-Fleet Captain
- Commodore
- Rear Admiral
- Vice Admiral
- Admiral
- Fleet Admiral (Commander-in-Chief only)
Section 2: Chain of Command.
  1. Starfleet Command and Sub fleet Commanding Officers
  2. Starfleet Command and fleet Executive Officers
  3. Officers out side of Starfleet Command